Prework Study Guide
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- The 'user story' is the task you need to complete.
- The 'acceptance criteria' is the checklist you use to check the task is complete.
- IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment.
- URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
- 'Separation of concerns' refers to the concept that each code should have its own responsibility.
- DRY stands for 'do not repeat yourself' and is a key concept - for example, commas can be used in CSS to apply a style to more than one selector.
- The term 'element' refers to the symbols < and > and what is contained within, whereas the term 'tag' refers only to what is contained within.
- A group of related data is called an array.
- In JavaScript and many other programming languages, arrays are zero-indexed and sequential, meaning that the first item in any array has an index of 0, not 1.
- A 'blocker' is a problem preventing advancement.
- A 'bottleneck' is something that slows down a process.
- The term 'timeboxing' refers to allocating a set amount of time to resolve an issue before reaching out for help.
- The head element contains information about the webpage which is not visible to the user, and instead helps the browser render the page correctly.
- The body element represents the visible content shown to the user.
- 'Child' elements can be contained under 'Parent' elements
- An anchor is used to link to another place within the website or to another website
- A margin indicates how much space we want around the outside of an element.
- A padding indicates how much space we want around the content inside an element.
- Colours can be chosen by name or by hex code and are preceded by '#'.
- There are 3 ways to style with CSS: inline (directly in HTML), internal style sheet or external style sheet.
- The symbol '*' is used to apply a style to the whole document.
- This is linked within the head element of the html file.
- The 'git status' instruction checks what branch we are currently on
- A pull request instructs my changes to be moved into the main version
- New branches are created from the most recent version of the main branch
- Team members can be assigned to review changes, AKA 'commits', before doing a merge pull request, which then deletes the branch
- It is important to frequently sync the local version of your code with the remote version in GitHub
- Each line of JavaScript code ends with a semicolon.
- We use conditional statements and loops to control the order in which code is executed, or if it is even executed at all.
- A variable is a named container that allows us to store data in our code.
- Control flow is the order in which a computer executes code in a script.
- This is linked within the body element of the html file.